Wednesday, April 30, 2008

a new record!

Last night was amazing. Emmett slept for 12 hours, waking only once for 30 minutes for a quick diaper change and feed. The first shift was 7-3, which, if you count on your fingers, is EIGHT HOURS straight. It was pretty nice except for the fact it was so early in the evening that we couldn't think of hitting the hay ourselves. I thought for sure that E would be up before midnight, so around 9:30, I went to bed and was completely astonished when I heard him fussing and looked at the clock that read 3am. The only drawback to this entire situation is that Damon has spent only about 20 minutes in the last 30+ hours with an awake Emmett, which makes me very sad. I can't wait until Damo's work situation changes and we can all be spending more q.t. together.

To continue this boast of our amazing kid, I had to go to work today to watch a demo lesson and interview someone and had to bring Emmett along. I was very nervous because I didn't want him exposed to cooties at the school, but I also don't want to be that overly paranoid parent who freaks when someone touches their kid. The demo lesson was in my classroom, and the first graders have yet to meet the little one, so I thought the whole morning was going to be chaos. I decided to carry Emmett in the Ergo carrier, so I could protect him from kids sticking their dirty little hands in his face. I did bring along the stroller, but parked it in the office in case the baby started to freak out. The secretaries keep offering to watch him while I interview--so sweet. Anyhow, Emmett slept for the two and a half hours that I was there. I was able to catch up with everyone, interview two people and hire one for an assistant job, watch the demo, introduce Emmett to my class, and have a short meeting. Plus, nobody touched him (except his feet, which stick out from the carrier, but he had socks on). All in all, I must say I have an amazing 8 week old. Plus, now that he is on such a great sleep schedule (day & night), he is all smiles when he is awake. I sure love this kid.

1 comment:

Damo said...

It looks like Emmett's face might be crooked. Is he ok?