Tuesday, April 8, 2008

mr. cuddles

This week is spring break for us teacher folk, but seeing that I am on maternity leave, it is like any other week, except better because my friends are off! I am getting a sneak preview of summer time--long walks in the sunshine, hanging out in the park, leisurely lunches in the Mission, a glass of wine in the late afternoon (just one!) and nap time on the sofa. This is just what I did yesterday with Belinda, Allie and Sabina. When we returned to my house, we passed Emmett around for cuddle-naps. It is pretty intoxicating to have Emmett lay on your chest and sleep and I think Allie may have went straight home to make a baby of her own.

Today we are heading to the pediatrician for Emmett's check up. I can't wait to see how much he weighs and how long he is. He is already outgrowing some of his clothes.

Damon told me I need to stop saying how cute Emmett is. People don't want to hear a baby's mother talk about how precious her child is (but he is!).

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