Thursday, June 26, 2008

new equipment

Okay, I thought that the bouncy chair was ugly, but this new piece of equipment takes the cake in the ugly bakery. It's bold, lights up and I think somehow makes "music" but thankfully I think the batteries are dead. It's called an exersaucer and supposedly the babies love it. I was looking for something so that Emmett can be upright since the back of his head is getting a little flat from lying on it all of the time. He's a little small for it, so I have to use blankets to prop him up. He does seem to like it and yesterday when I put him in it for the first time, he was throwing his head back laughing, which is pretty darn cute. Damon almost had a heart attack when he saw it--he's anti-plastic/polyester/fun, but hopefully he'll see how much E likes it and he'll stop judging.

Speaking of Damon, I know he's going to kill me for writing this, but he had a job interview and demo lesson yesterday for a physics teaching position. They LOVED him and offered him the job the same day. He's working out the logistics, but I'm pretty proud of him. The lesson he did was great and he is so clear and patient when explaining new concepts (even to someone as physically challenged as myself). He is going to be a great teacher. He's so smart and cute and funny (sort of), and although he's a hippie, I feel pretty lucky that he's my baby daddy.

1 comment:

kathryn said...

i am sure emmett will come to love his new gizmo! j's nana & papa brought up the exersaucer from s.c. -- it's a fabulous thing, really, for all of its plastic & such. j looks so pleased with figuring out new things on it. she babbles & giggles and is just really out of my hair for a moment in time. xo