Friday, February 29, 2008

3cm and counting

I went to the doctor yesterday and she informed me that I am 3cm dilated! She thinks this baby could come sooner rather than later. I am feeling very excited about the arrival. It's weird to go about your daily business thinking something could happen at any time. Damon and I have a few more things to take care of this weekend, so we could certainly use a couple more days. But the hospital bag is now packed, the car seat installed, and it's my last day of work today. Things are happening down below--movements and little pains, so something has definitely changed....we'll keep you updated, if anyone is still even reading this blog these days.


you say laura, i say gretchen said...

we are faithful readers, so keep us posted. of course, make damon call us when the tot arrives!!

kathryn said...

i'm reading it, so is jeremy, and we keep jules updated! (she just laughs about it all. it's very funny to her.)
maybe it will happen early this week...
very excited for you two --
mama greco