Wednesday, September 26, 2007

gas or kicks?

Last night I was lying in bed in the middle of the night trying to reposition myself for comfort, when I felt what might have been baby Almost-Avocado moving. It felt like little bubbles across my lower abdomen and it was dispersed across the width of my tummy. From what I've read, everyone who is really feeling movement thinks she's feeling gas, so that sort of convinces me it was the real thing. But who knows...I'm going to mediate on the tummy to see if I feel more.


Unknown said...

I get such a KICK from what you write and the pictures to go along with it.

kathryn said...

How exciting! You could have very well felt movement! It does feel like bubbles. I first felt something around week 17, but they were more like jabs. When I finally did feel the movement, around week 20, it was so beautiful (as my mom insisted) and yes -- Bubbles. That's the best way to describe it.

kathryn said...
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