Yoga Tree is having a summer special, so I bought a monthly pass. I'm hoping that not only will yoga be good exercise, it will help me create a positive and nurturing space within for my angel child to grow (ha!). But really, I thought it might help me feel more connected to this baby and bring out my inner hippy. I went to my first prenatal class tonight, and let me tell you, there was a lot of preggos there. It's pretty crazy to see so many pregnant woman in different stages in one place. There was one woman who was there who is due on Friday! The instructor was good, and I met a woman who is due the same week I am. She gave me her card so hopefully we'll connect. It would be good to have someone to relate to, since I can't talk any of my friends into getting knocked up right now.
Damon just sent me an email telling me that his talk went really, really well. I am so happy for him. He has been stressing over this talk and apparently, some jerk wanted to fight him because he is arguing against what Damon is arguing for (can you tell I have no freakin idea what Damon really does?). Anyhow, this dude gave a talk the day before and people were in an uproar, so basically, there was all of this pressure from Damo's boss to retaliate with his talk. It sounds like it went well, and for Damon to say that it must gave been excellent. I am so proud of him!
Well, tomorrow is the first day of meetings and I have to be at work at--UGH--8:30. I'd better hit the hay.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Fig's first concert
Last night, baby Fig enjoyed his/her first concert. Who knows if Fig even has ears yet, but I'm sure s/he had fun swimming around listening to Wilco at the Greek Theater. A bunch of us met up before the show and took pleasure in a picnic dinner, staring yummy Cheeseboard pizza. Damon and I have seen Wilco and Jeff Tweedy quite a few times, so I wasn't too excited about this show before we went. But we had a great time! The are such talented musicians and I love seeing shows at the Greek. It's comfortable because you can sit, and every seat is a good one where even short peeps like me can see the stage. Good times.
Papa Damo just left for Korea. I dropped him off at the airport this morning. We are all going to miss him on this end--me, the kitties and even baby Fig. Fig enjoys her/his nightly one-sided conversation with pops. I have no idea what Damon is telling her/him, but it had better be nice stuff about ma. I almost went to Korea with Damon, before we found out the big news. The only reason I wanted to go was to soak in the tubs and relish in Korean massages. Good thing I didn't buy the ticket, since I'm not allowed to do either of those things while knocked up.
I don't like writing his/her, s/he, etc. every time I refer to the fetus. I don't know what to refer to it as, and I suppose I've settled on Fig for this week. But I'm not sure if I can call the kid "jumbo shrimp" which is what s/he becomes in a couple of weeks. Any ideas anyone?
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
shopping from a to zzzzzzzzzzz
Yesterday Belinda and I spent an exhausting day shopping for back to school clothes. It's not easy trying to buy clothes knowing that I'm going to be getting fatter and fatter in the upcoming months. Luckily, the fashion of trapeze shirts just happens to be in, so I was able to pick up a few tops that I will be able to wear for a while. I'm not really showing yet, my tummy just looks like it's constantly filled with a burrito. I was so tired when I returned home from downtown, I dropped all of my stuff at the door and fell onto the couch for an hour nap.
This morning Christine came by and we took a little walk and caught up a bit since they spent the last year in Italy. She is about ready to pop with baby #2 and she looks great. I'm so glad to have a good friend who has been through all of this before to ask questions. She is delivering at CPMC too and is due on the 17th of September! I will go visit her in the hospital. Hopefully we'll spend more time together and our kids will be BFF.
I told my boss the big news on Monday, and of course she was happy and supportive. It's great to work in such a positive place. She seems very flexible with my options about when/how to return to work. The word is spreading fast--two random people from work approached me over the weekend, saying they "heard the exciting news!". It's crazy that people already know, but it's nice everyone is so enthusiastic. It's going to be a fun-filled, quick 6 more months. Tomorrow it's a fig!
Friday, August 17, 2007
It's alive!
We just got back from our first appointment with Dr. Jane Fang. All went well, and we were both surprised by how surprised we were when we saw the ultrasound. I mean, I've been around people who show me their blurry ultrasound pictures and ask if I can "see" the baby. I never can really tell what is going on in those pictures, so I figured the doc would have to point out every little blur and note "That is the head....that is the butt..." But not so with our little one. This kid is a dancer, a krumper, if you will, and was moving all over the place. We could clearly see it's arms, legs, and head. It didn't even look as alien as I thought it would. It resembled this plastic baby that Belinda gave me the day we shared our good news with them.* Damon told me afterwards that he even had tears in his eyes during the ultrasound. Our doc said things are moving along nicely and most danger of miscarriage is over. I guess we are free to share the news with the world. I will be in and out of work next week, so I might spill the beans with my boss. I also need to figure out what I get in terms of leave from work. I just went over my employee manual, and was not happy with what I read. I will chat with H.R. next week too. Well, my afternoon headache is starting to set in, so I will so take my afternoon nap. What am I going to do when school starts!?!?!
In the bad photo above, my finger is pointing to the baby's head, in case it's not clear.
In the bad photo above, my finger is pointing to the baby's head, in case it's not clear.
Monday, August 13, 2007
travelin' (wo)man
Well, I am finally home after my travels. I had a great time in NYC with Lesley, Laura, Sal, Enrique, and other friends. It was nice to spend a good chunk of time there, not rushed. It was hot as hell, but the evening times were best, once the sun went down behind the tall buildings. Laura left for Rio after three days, so Lesley and Sal were left to entertain me for the rest of the time, when they weren't working. Lesley and I spent lots of quality time in cheap clothing stores and eating yummy food. We tried to see CSS in Brooklyn, but once we made it two blocks in a long line, we were turned away because they were sold out. Then, while walking back to the subway, we were caught in a CRAZY downpour and were soaked to the bone. But we found a cool little pub and ducked in to dry off and enjoy some drinks (ginger ale for me!).
After NYC, I had a horrible day at LaGuardia trying to get to Indiana. I got there by 3am, only to find myself in a pubic hair-infested motel room. But Damon arrived at 7am and Tom and Jacqui picked us up around 10:30am. We had a very relaxing time in Bloomington, but I must say, they were less than enthused by our news. It was somewhat disappointing and I spent the weekend trying not to talk too much about being knocked up. It was nice to be back in Bloomington, but it made me realize, I am really happy in SF with Damon. I hope we are able to stay here for a while. I felt out of place there for some reason. I thought I would be incredibly nostalgic for B-ton, but once there, I realize the one thing I miss is the time Damon and I had together. That and Chocolate Moose and yellow curry from Little Tibet.
The picture is Lesley and I posing at La Esquina after eating corn.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
eatin for two
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